
Friday, May 27, 2022

Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI Worldwide membership base.


Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI is a research organization among other things. It says this on the header of the blog. As I have mentioned in previous posts, all of my projects stem from PTRI. I use the domain name email address for PTRI for my other web projects as well. These projects came into existence as a result of my research endeavors.

The header of the blog, says that PTRI is also involved with unique self-experiments. Words carry power. I draw upon the energies I receive from studying and analyzing text and words in general. One of the self-experiments I am conducting is, : I want to see how far across the world, the membership base for PTRI will grow. I am based in the UK. I have a few members of the organization, from the USA. Over the course of time, I will have people from other countries join PTRI.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Kingdom Without Walls and Borders - KWWB : Research project of Project The Remote Influencer.


When you visit my PTRI blog, take a peek at the header of the blog. It says that PTRI is an online basic research organization. This says in a nutshell what the blog is all about. My projects would not exist where it not for my research endeavors.

My latest projects is, Kingdom Without Walls and Borders - KWWB. I bought the domain name for my site via Google domains on March 23rd 2022. I created a Google sites website for KWWB on the same day. I chose the acronym for my site. If I had spelled it all out, the web address would have been way too long.

Here is a link to my Google sites website for KWWB. You will find a link to my Facebook group for KWWB in my site too.


Here is a link to a Youtube video I had shot for KWWB. It's an interesting video. In the video, I talk about the idea I had, whereby I'd like to sell the domain name to Elon Musk.
