
This site/blog says on the tin what the site is all about : Basic research and unique self-experiments


Basic research endeavors can have a positive effect on society. When viewers visit this site / blog, the site tells the reader or readers what the site is all about : Basic research organization and it's involved with unique self-experiments.

Each of the projects which come out of Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI, involve basic research work. The same applies to the unique self-experiments that PTRI is involved in. PTRI projects can and will have a positive effect on society. 

The negative haters and naysayers can say that the projects are taking too long to so called succeed, and that maybe these projects should be shelved. The aforementioned people don't know much about research. Some research projects can take many years to complete in a successful manner. I've funded PTRI and its projects myself without outside financial help. Therefore, I call the shots here and I'll decide if and when PTRI should come to an end.

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